THE GOLDEN Arrow bus service has come under attack for at least the 12th time in less than a week. A bus was gutted by arsonists last night, after stone- throwers forced the driver to [lee from the vehicle in Nyanga.

“Protesters began stoning the bus quite heavily and the driver jumped out,” said Golden Arrow’s Cape Town spokeswoman Bronwen Dyke.

“The protesters placed a burning tyre underneath the bus. It caught alight and was completely gutted.”

She said this happened as part of a service delivery protest on Monday evening.

“This is the second such incident in the past week.” said Dyke, adding that it cost more than RI miUion to replace one bus. “But the driver’s fine.”

Police said that at about 9pm last Thursday. another bus driver had been travelling on Mew Way Road. when the road was blocked by Khayelitsha residents.

The group forced him to stop and attempted to assault him but he managed to escape. The bus was then set alight. Dyke said that at least 10 buses had been damaged by stones in the past week.

Dyke said today the company would continue running services in the area, unless they were physically barred from certain roads, or unless their drivers continued to face unacceptable danger.

Source: Cape Argus