- May 17, 2012
- Posted by: admin
- Category: SENS Announcements
REVENUE +13,2%
Reviewed Audited*
31 March 31 March
% 2012 2011
change R`000 R`000
Revenue 7 092 277 6 319 790
Net gaming win 519 396 403 292
Income 13 7 611 673 6 723 082
Expenses (6 109 766) (5 440 481)
EBITDA 17 1 501 907 1 282 601
Depreciation and amortisation (376 088) (316 638)
Operating profit 17 1 125 819 965 963
Investment income 59 694 78 323
Finance costs (193 845) (245 483)
Share of profits of associates and
joint ventures 697 127 77 707
Negative goodwill on acquisition of subsidiary 107 659 –
Investment surplus 162 203 57 195
Fair value adjustments of investment properties (47 736) 84 303
Impairment reversals 20 365 5 691
Asset impairments (54 652) (43 483)
Fair value adjustments financial
instruments 75 768 (1 179)
Impairment of goodwill and investments (27 712) (37 195)
Profit before taxation 104 1 924 690 941 842
Taxation (466 583) (256 367)
Profit for the year from continuing
operations 113 1 458 107 685 475
Discontinued operations (20 277) 6 329 424
Profit for the year 1 437 830 7 014 899
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent (81) 1 217 978 6 427 527
Minority interest 219 852 587 372
1 437 830 7 014 899
* Restated
2012 2012
% Gross Net
change R`000 R`000
Earnings attributable to equity holders
of the parent 1 217 978
IAS 16 Gains on Disposal of Property (75 336) (53 463)
IAS 16 Gains on Disposal of Plant
and Equipment (9 878) (8 875)
IAS 16 Impairment of Plant and Equipment 53 542 47 488
IAS 38 Impairment of Intangible Assets 7 609 7 575
IFRS 3 Impairment of Goodwill 27 712 24 704
IFRS 3 Negative Goodwill (107 659) (85 655)
IAS 28 Gain on Disposal of Associates – –
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets – –
IAS 36 Reversal of Impairments (20 365) (15 903)
IAS 27 Profit from Disposal/
Part Disposal of Subsidiary (86 867) (74 706)
IAS 40 Fair Value Adjustment to
Investment Property 47 736 38 122
IAS 39 Profit on Disposal of Available-
for-Sale Asset – –
Remeasurements included in equity-
accounted earnings of associates
and joint ventures (77 429) (77 100)
Headline profit 41 1 020 165
Basic earnings per share (cents)
Earnings (81) 957,91
Continuing operations 973,86
Discontinued operations (15,95)
Headline earnings 40 802,34
Continuing operations 813,68
Discontinued operations (11,34)
Weighted average number of shares
in issue (`000) 127 149
Actual number of shares in issue at the
end of the year (net of treasury shares) (`000) 127 198
Diluted earnings per share (cents)
Earnings (81) 927,63
Continuing operations 943,07
Discontinued operations (15,44)
Headline earnings 40 776,97
Continuing operations 787,96
Discontinued operations (10,99)
Weighted average number of shares
in issue (`000) 131 300
2011 2011
Gross Net
R`000 R`000
Earnings attributable to equity holders
of the parent 6 427 527
IAS 16 Gains on Disposal of Property – –
IAS 16 Gains on Disposal of Plant
and Equipment (6 479) (1 980)
IAS 16 Impairment of Plant and Equipment 4 000 3 420
IAS 38 Impairment of Intangible Assets – –
IFRS 3 Impairment of Goodwill 37 195 33 475
IFRS 3 Negative Goodwill – –
IAS 28 Gain on Disposal of Associates (401) (404)
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets 370 133 209 809
IAS 36 Reversal of Impairments (46 986) (35 460)
IAS 27 Profit from Disposal/
Part Disposal of Subsidiary (5 807 523) (5 754 925)
IAS 40 Fair Value Adjustment to
Investment Property (105 878) (82 955)
IAS 39 Profit on Disposal of Available-
for-Sale Asset (33 398) (33 223)
Remeasurements included in equity-
accounted earnings of associates and joint ventures (42 685) (42 685)
Headline profit 722 599
Basic earnings per share (cents)
Earnings 5 095,75
Continuing operations 362,20
Discontinued operations 4 733,55
Headline earnings 572,88
Continuing operations 285,26
Discontinued operations 287,62
Weighted average number of shares
in issue (`000) 126 135
Actual number of shares in issue at the
end of the year (net of treasury shares) (`000) 127 089
Diluted earnings per share (cents)
Earnings 4 928,33
Continuing operations 350,30
Discontinued operations 4 578,03
Headline earnings 554,06
Continuing operations 275,89
Discontinued operations 278,17
Weighted average number of shares in issue (`000) 130 420
* Restated
Reviewed Audited* Audited*
31 March 31 March 31 March
2012 2011 2010
R`000 R`000 R`000
Non-current assets 13 854 788 12 879 841 14 984 202
Property, plant and equipment 2 932 761 2 769 835 9 660 977
Investment properties 557 886 564 685 218 585
Goodwill 157 796 144 205 1 544 195
Interest in associates and joint
ventures 9 235 179 8 436 446 2 405 154
Other financial assets 105 869 116 230 62 827
Intangibles 701 348 577 218 644 402
Deferred taxation 67 928 189 203 246 508
Operating lease equalisation asset 8 258 2 658 962
Long-term receivables 87 763 79 361 200 592
Current assets 3 285 616 2 948 801 3 790 747
Other 2 564 166 2 368 669 2 499 162
Bank balances and deposits 721 450 580 132 1 291 585
Non-current assets held for sale 15 288 35 218 110 886
Total assets 17 155 692 15 863 860 18 885 835
Equity 12 836 030 11 226 344 8 348 984
Equity attributable to equity holders
of the parent 11 777 703 10 500 409 4 633 243
Minority interest 1 058 327 725 935 3 715 741
Non-current liabilities 1 592 601 2 350 869 5 941 904
Deferred taxation 97 898 114 138 644 067
Long-term borrowings 1 275 373 2 056 658 4 715 207
Operating lease equalisation liability 1 808 4 447 287 429
Other 217 522 175 626 295 201
Current liabilities 2 721 263 2 270 279 4 574 694
Non-current liabilities held for sale 5 798 16 368 20 253
Total equity and liabilities 17 155 692 15 863 860 18 885 835
Net asset value carrying per share
(cents) 9 259 8 262 3 699
* Restated
Reviewed Audited*
31 March 31 March
2012 2011
R`000 R`000
Balance as restated at the beginning of the year 11 226 344 8 348 984
Balance as previously stated 11 231 849 8 388 971
Adjustment (5 505) (39 987)
Share capital and premium
Treasury shares released 6 154 14 595
Current operations
Total comprehensive income 1 576 036 6 979 692
Equity-settled share-based payments 14 940 15 810
Minority interest on acquisition of subsidiaries 160 350 –
Disposal of subsidiary (497) (2 729 711)
Effects of changes in holding 10 865 (1 217 184)
Capital reductions and dividends (158 162) (185 842)
Balance at the end of the year 12 836 030 11 226 344
* Restated
Reviewed Audited*
31 March 31 March
2012 2011
R`000 R`000
Profit for the year 1 437 830 7 014 899
Other comprehensive income:
Foreign currency translation differences 150 977 (37 653)
Cash flow hedge reserve (8 411) 23 081
Asset revaluation reserve (4 360) (20 6