- May 25, 2023
- Posted by: Cheryl
- Category: SENS Announcements
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REVIEWED PROVISIONAL RESULTS for the year ended 31 March 2023 SALIENT FEATURES Reviewed Audited % 31 Mar 2023 31 Mar 2022 change Revenue* (R'000) 12 575 559 10 640 582 18 Net gaming win (R'000) 9 626 677 7 778 881 24 Property rental income (R'000) 696 699 640 725 9 EBITDA* (R'000) 5 639 052 5 010 869 13 Earnings per share (cents) 3 965.7 2 570.3 54 Headline earnings per share (cents) 2 050.7 1 321.3 55 Dividend per share** (cents) 50 - Net asset value per share (cents) 22 466 17 708 27 Headline earnings/(loss) (R'000) Media and broadcasting 238 931 264 858 Gaming 795 635 621 893 Hotels 286 626 (35 233) Transport 231 813 218 856 Properties 61 217 51 703 Coal mining 308 590 180 970 Branded products and manufacturing 113 707 128 367 Oil and gas prospecting (75 071) 23 547 Palladium prospecting (21 638) (50 564) Other (281 432) (335 875) 1 658 378 1 068 522 55 * Restated for discontinued operations ** Interim dividend
DECLARATION OF CASH DIVIDEND Due to the Company's ongoing funding commitments in relation to its interest in the oil and gas prospects offshore Namibia, the directors wish to preserve the Company's cash resources and have resolved not to declare a final dividend. AUDITOR'S REVIEW The condensed consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 have been reviewed by the Group's auditors, BDO South Africa Inc., who expressed an unmodified review conclusion. DIRECTORS' STATEMENT The directors, who take responsibility for the contents of this short-form announcement, present the reviewed provisional results of Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited for the year ended 31 March 2023. The results were prepared under the supervision of the financial director, Mr JR Nicolella CA(SA). The financial information is only a summary and does not contain full details of the financial results. Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on information contained in the full announcement, accessible from 25 May 2023, via the JSE link or the Company's website at Copies of the full announcement may also be requested by e-mail at and are available for inspection at the Company's registered office, at no charge to investors and/or shareholders, during office hours (09:00 - 17:00) from Mondays to Fridays. Signed on behalf of the board of directors JA Copelyn JR Nicolella Chief Executive Officer Financial Director 25 May 2023